Mara Vișinescu

Federica Foglini worked from 2001 to 2003 for the G.A.S. (Geological Assistance and Service) as marine geologist involved in the geophysical and multi beam data processing and interpretation and in geological mapping. Since 2005 she is a Technologist – GIS Manager at CNR ISMAR Bologna. Her main interests are focused in the implementation and management of Geodatabase containing geophysical and marine geological data and WebGIS design and implementation in the frame of European and National projects. She is the supervisor for the acquisition and processing of Multi Beam and geophysical data for ISMAR curies in the Adriatic basin. She is co-author of international scientific papers and she wrote several technical reports about the implementation and design of Geodatabase and GIS mapping, Multi Beam and Single Beam bathymetry acquisition, processing and mapping of the Adriatic sea.