Sustainable wetland management requires a new and integrated spatial management approach to preserve unique environmental, economic and landscape features. This process should be supported by the provision of quality spatial data through a dedicated web-based GIS platform and a governance structure to guarantee the implementation and monitoring of the Maristanis Coastal Wetlands Contract (CWC): the Local Wetland Observatory (LWO)
Aim of the tool
The aim of the Local Wetland Observatory (LWO) is to improve the conservation and management of wetlands by monitoring their status through a web-based GIS platform, and by providing technical support for the achievement of a homogeneous governance of these areas through the Maristanis Coastal Wetland Contract (CWC).
Main objectives
The specific objectives of the LWO are to (i) provide timely and quality information on wetlands’ status and trends, (ii) track threats to wetlands and identify actions that promote their protection, wise use and restoration, (iii) assess the dimension of wetlands in the context of sustainable development, and (iv) monitor the Maristanis Coastal Wetland Contract (CWC) implementation progress, to achieve a homogeneous governance of wetlands in the Gulf of Oristano.
Technological infrastructure
A PC with stable internet connection is necessary to access all the documents regarding the Wetlands Observatory (web GIS and Maristanis project webpage).
No particular training is necessary to access and explore the data and all the CWC documents of the Wetlands Observatory.
Access to the Wetlands Observatory is free-of-charge.
The LWO has been included on the activities list in the Action Plan of the Coastal Wetland Contract. A catalogue was built, including all the spatial/geographic data on a Geographic Information System catalogue, and published through the Maristanis webgis.
It is articulated along 4 monitoring themes, one for each specific objective:
A list of 20 indicators associated with each monitoring theme and objective has been developed. In addition, five socio-economic indicators have been identified to support the territorial analysis and correlation with main development sectors, including urbanisation, agriculture and livestock fisheries and aquaculture, irrigation, public infrastructures, and tourism; and for the investigation of cross-cutting issues (see Annex 1).
Data are gathered at a local scale (municipalities, province, region), and other scales (including biomes, coastal zones and coastal wetlands, rivers, Natura 2000 sites, watershed, rural/urban, ecological zones).
Pilot areas
The LWO covers the Gulf of Oristano in Sardinia, Italy, which includes the six Ramsar sites and other coastal lagoons and ponds included in the Nature 2000 Network.
Recommended timeline of implementation
As a first phase, necessary data were collected and technical reports and factsheets were elaborated that reflected knowledge of the Wetlands Observatory to be disseminated to relevant stakeholders. Following this, the GIS platform was elaborated and published through a dedicated website.
A main challenge is to ensure the provision of the necessary human and economic resources to put into force the Wetland Observatory in the long-term.
Quantitative results
The data included in the LWO are used to support the production of reports based on results and analyses, as well as diversified products for targeted communications.
Key deliverables
Transfer potential
The LWO has been developed specifically for the Gulf of Oristano; however, its methodology and approach can be replicated to any other wetland areas in the Mediterranean, to support their integrated and sustainable conservation and management.
Pilot areas
Stagno di Sale’e Porcus (Sardinia, Italy), Stagno di Cabras (Sardinia, Italy), Stagno di Mistras (Sardinia, Italy), Stagno di S’Ena Arrubia (Sardinia, Italy), Stagno di Corru S’Ittiri, Stagni di San Giovanni e Marceddì (Sardinia, Italy), Stagno Pauli Maiori (Sardinia, Italy)
Biodiversity and ecosystem integrity
Drivers and pressures
Eco-system services (TESSA methodology)
Integration of wetlands in development decision
Status of the Governance
Additional socio economic indicators
Project Contact affiliation and details: Piera Pala
Links of interest:
MARISTANIS Wetland Observatory Webgis