Governance and management of Posidonia beach-dune systems across the Mediterranean

Project presentation

The Posidonia littoral zone (Posidonia-beach-dune system) is a valuable natural asset affected by a variety of impacts and pressures. Drifting vegetation of Posidonia forming banquettes along the beaches is a common feature of many coasts. However, residues of seagrass Posidonia oceanica beached in tourist zones represent often a problem in the Mediterranean. Surveys conducted in the previous initiative POSBEMED (2016-2018) funded by the Interreg Mediterranean programme highlighted the need to promote better management of the Posidonia littoral landscape and banquettes on beaches throughout the entire Mediterranean coast. Data gathered about beach management practices revealed that 83% of the surveyed local authorities remove seagrass deposits and banquettes every year on some or all the beaches, including protected areas.

Based on the findings of the previous project, the objective of POSBEMED2 is to catalyse its results to manage the Mediterranean coastline by developing planning strategies that recognize the value of the Posidonia beach-dune environment and integrate them into the overall coastal strategy, while also addressing concerns and educating stakeholders. It further addresses key knowledge gaps, providing information that will enhance management decisions on adaptation, policies, planning and promotion in Protected Areas.


  • Lead partner

    Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Institute for the Study of Anthropogenic Impact and Sustainability in the Marine Environment of the National Research Council (IAS – CNR, Italy)

  • 8 Partners

  • 20 Associated partners

  • 8 Pilot sites

  • 9 Countries

Key messages

For managers

      • POSBEMED2 creates the baseline for management interventions and identifies and implements actions to assess outcomes and successes that support replicability and scaling up;
      • The project enables the participating territorial authorities and institutions to address a common challenge, to promote better management of the Posidonia littoral landscape by enhancing the value of natural beaches for sustainable tourism and local development while ensuring high-level conservation.

      For policy

      • There is a lack of clear regulations for banquette removal and limited management programs in PAs;
      • To test local governance frameworks for decision-making on Posidonia banquettes we must consider beach functions (protection and recreation), erosion processes, and the ecosystem in and surrounding PAs;

      • We need to provide better integration planning tools to be incorporated into management planning and coastal policies in the Posidonia littoral zone across the Mediterranean.

      For science

      • Posidonia banquettes are considered nature-based coastal defences that support biodiversity protection and minimise beach erosion, linking the marine and terrestrial environment, and are often negatively affected by mismanagement practices;

      • Data gathered about beach management practices revealed that 83% of the surveyed local authorities remove seagrass deposits and banquettes every year on some or all the beaches, including in PAs.

      • Given the present tourism growth and climate change (CC) trends, POSBEMED 2 addresses the main elements identified in the first POSBEMED project as crucial actions to carry out across the Mediterranean.

      Library resources


      Official events Project poster

      Official events Project poster
      Size: 7.83 MB

      Project poster

      Project poster for communication purposes
      Size: 4.99 MB

      A review of lessons learnt

      POSBEMED2. Governance and management of Posidonia beach-dune systems accross the Mediterranean. A review of lessons learnt. The document provides a summary of the lessons learnt during the POSBEMED2 project's implementation, within the context of sustainable management strategies for Mediterranean coastal ecosystems with Posidonia oceanica.
      Size: 23.95 MB

      Policy brief for public authorities

      Policy brief for public authorities
      Size: 875.56 KB

      Customised awareness tools for decision makers

      The joint charter of commitments is an overarching transformational strategy that articulates the natural character of Mediterranean beaches and the action commitments to be undertaken to achieve its long-term conservation.
      Size: 9.76 MB