Project Profiles
Profiling Modular Projects for the Med Biodiversity Protection Knowledge Platform
Project name |
ACT4LITTER Joint measures to preserve natural ecosystems from marine litter in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPA) |
Keywords |
From topic categories: protected areas; marine litter; monitoring; governance; ecosystem approach; management; Other keywords: marine litter measures; marine litter action plan; participatory science; coastal management; waste; pollution; decision making tool, marine litter watch month. |
Partners |
Partners: Catalan Waste Agency – SCP/RAC Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (leader); Mediterranean Protected Areas Network – MedPAN; Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE); SSSUP Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies 22 Associated partners: MerTerre / Observatoire des Déchets en Milieux Aquatiques (France) Mediterranean Center for Environmental Monitoring (Montenegro) Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain) Shoreline (Italy) Management Body of Samaria National Park (Greece) Spanish Association of Marine Litter (Spain) Consortium of Management of Portofino MPA (Italy) City of San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) Public Institution Nature Park Lastovo Islands (Croatia) Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan (Slovenia) Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (Croatia) Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (Tunisia) Association for Protection of Aquatic Wildlife of Albania (Albania) Nice Cote D’Azur Metropole (France) Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (Cyprus) Axios – Loudias – Aliakmonas Management Authority (Greece) PlasticsEurope (Belgium) Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Spain) Public Institution National Park Kornati (Croatia) French Agency for Marine Protected Areas (France) City of Marseille (France) Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Andalusia (Spain) |
Protected areas |
Related policies | UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals; European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Barcelona Convention EcAp and IMAP; Barcelona Convention Regional Plan for Marine Litter in the Mediterranean |
Key messages for protected area management |
Each monitoring partner to provide at least 3 messages / recommendations stemming from the project results concerning the management of protected areas.
Quotes by MPA Managers: The project deals with one of currently most actual threats of world’s seas. What is visible to our eyes is the peak of an iceberg and not just a beginning of the problems we are confronting. Until now in our area no systematic and targeted measures were taken in order to tackle marine litter. As MPA managers we gained project results and experiences which enables us to react quickly.” Samanta Makovac from the Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan, Slovenia. “Since my very first encounter with ACT4LITTER project, I have been extremely curious about the decision making tool and how this could be applicable and helpful for our day-to-day operations within the Ebro Delta Natural Park. Initially this tool seemed too abstract for me to relate to, but now that I have seen some trial runs I am confident that this tool can empower us in taking more informed and effective decisions with regards to marine litter management priorities and ways to address them” Mr. Xavier Abril, Ebro Delta Natural Park, Spain |
Key messages for policy |
Key messages for science |
Key deliverables