WETNETCoordinated management and networking of Mediterranean wetlandsProject presentationWETNET is an Interreg Mediterranean project, cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund and coordinated by Veneto Region. The project addresses the issue of wetlands in Europe, which are vulnerable interconnected environments, hugely contributing to biodiversity. Their protection intertwines scientific-environmental aspects and governance concerns. The project aims at ensuring higher coordination between different …


TUNE UPPromoting multi-level governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areasProject presentationTUNE UP is a multi-module project tackling the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to Med MPAs management and biodiversity protection, by testing and capitalizing a multi-stakeholder/multi-level governance tool based on River/Wetland Contracts experience tested by the INTERREG MED WETNET project. TUNE UP approach is based on …


POSBEMED 2Governance and management of Posidonia beach-dune systems across the MediterraneanProject presentationThe Posidonia littoral zone (Posidonia-beach-dune system) is a valuable natural asset affected by a variety of impacts and pressures. Drifting vegetation of Posidonia forming banquettes along the beaches is a common feature of many coasts. However, residues of seagrass Posidonia oceanica beached in tourist zones represent often a problem …

Plastic Busters MPAs

Plastic Busters MPAsPreserving biodiversity from plastics in Mediterranean Marine Protected AreasProject presentationThe Mediterranean is one of the seas most affected by marine litter worldwide. The threats marine litter poses to wildlife and ecosystems are increasingly documented in scientific literature, with impacts varying from entanglement and ingestion, to bio-accumulation and bio-magnification of toxics released from plastics, to damages to benthic habitats …


PHAROS4MPAsSafeguarding Mediterranean MPAs in order to achieve Good Environmental StatusProject presentationThe development of Blue Economy and Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean represents a transnational challenge for MPAs. Many maritime sectors are likely to operate more frequently inside and in the vicinity of MPAs with expected growing environmental impacts, while at the same time, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires …


MPA-EngageEngaging Mediterranean key actors in Ecosystem Approach to manage Marine Protected Areas to face Climate ChangeProject presentationClimate change is dramatically affecting the Mediterranean Sea, which is warming at a rate 20% faster than the world’s average. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), despite the nature-based solution they offer to support efforts towards climate change adaptation and mitigation, are the first ones to …


MPA-ADAPTGuiding Mediterranean MPAs through the climate change era: building resilience and adaptationProject presentationAlthough MPAs come in many forms, from wildlife refuges to research facilities, they all restrict human activity for conservation purposes. They play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaption. However, many MPA management plans lack specific measures for addressing climate change. This is further hampered by …

FishMPABlue 2 Plus

FishMPABlue 2 PlusFishing governance in MPAs: potentialities for Blue Economy 2 PlusProject presentation“FishMPABlue2 Plus” project is the follow-up of FishMPABlue2 and previously of FishMPABlue, which identified a set of governance measures (“FishMPABlue2 SSF governance toolkit”) that can allow marine protected areas (MPAs) to achieve conservation goals while at the same time delivering socio-economic benefits to small scale fisheries. FishMPABlue2 tested …

FishMPABlue 2

FishMPABlue 2Fishing governance in MPAs: potentialities for Blue Economy 2Project presentationThe FishMPABlue2 project is the follow-up of the FishMPABlue project (July 2014-June 2015) funded by Interreg MED Programme. FishMPABlue carried out an analysis of the management of small scale fishery (SSF) within and around a set of Mediterranean MPAs, and developed a “regional-based governance toolkit” to strengthen MPA management capacity …


ACT4LITTERJoint measures to preserve natural ecosystems from marine litter in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPA)Project presentationThe Mediterranean Sea is one of the most affected basins by marine litter, worldwide. Marine litter represents a pervasive and persistent problem that knows no boundaries. It has a negative impact on vital economic sectors such as fisheries, aquaculture, navigation, energy and tourism, while it …