POSBEMED 2Governance and management of Posidonia beach-dune systems across the MediterraneanProject presentationThe Posidonia littoral zone (Posidonia-beach-dune system) is a valuable natural asset affected by a variety of impacts and pressures. Drifting vegetation of Posidonia forming banquettes along the beaches is a common feature of many coasts. However, residues of seagrass Posidonia oceanica beached in tourist zones represent often a problem …
POSBEMEDSustainable management of the systems Posidonia-beaches in the Mediterranean regionProject presentationResidues of seagrass Posidonia oceanica beached in tourist zones represent often a problem in the Mediterranean. Similarly to seagrass meadows, the leaf debris help to reduce the swell´s energy and can act as a seedbank for dune formation increasing the overall resilience of the coast to natural and climate change …