Fishermen Engagement in Mediterranean MPAs

Pilot areas
Marine Protected Area (MPA) managers
MPA management
Fisheries, management, Marine Protected Area, MPA, MPA managemen, recreational fishing, small-scale fisheries, stakeholders, sustainable use of marine resources


Artisanal fishing, although often considered as a relatively environmentally-friendly activity, has the potential to seriously impact fishing resources, especially in Mediterranean MPAs. Traditional “top-down” approaches based on centralised government interventions have proven to be inadequate in managing local stocks, limiting resource depletion and solving user-group conflicts. MPAs, as a potential tool for sustaining artisanal fishing and related human communities, may have a role to play in supporting co-management, a bottom-up management approach as opposed to more conventional top-down approaches for the management of natural resources.

Aim of the tool

The general aim of the study is to support Mediterranean MPA managers in assessing and managing artisanal fisheries by introducing a co-management approach.

Main objectives

The specific aims of this study are to:

  • Provide an outline of the current situation of artisanal fishing in Mediterranean MPAs; and
  • Identify the potential variables influencing the success of artisanal fishing management in Mediterranean MPAs, including the level of fishermen engagement in artisanal fishing management in each MPA.


Technological infrastructure

No requirements


Training may be needed for MPA personnel to implement the envisaged co-management approach and for fishermen who wish to be involved in pescatourism activities.


No requirements



The study provides a descriptive analysis of the status of artisanal fishing management in the Mediterranean Sea. It focuses on MPAs and provides a series of recommendations that could help MPAs to implement a co-management approach with local artisanal fisheries.

A total of 26 case studies are described, reporting the status of artisanal fisheries, the process of fishermen engagement and the lessons learnt. Data gathered are compared and discussed to identify the potential factors that may determine the success or failure of artisanal fishing management in Mediterranean MPAs.

Recommendations are proposed to improve artisanal fishing management in MPAs. These recommendations are derived from the study results and the author, and relate to four main aspects: (i) research and monitoring, (ii) fishermen involvement, (iii) management, and (iv) communication and awareness raising.

Pilot areas

The research provided in this analysis focused on 26 case studies of Mediterranean MPAs from seven Mediterranean countries, with the intention of providing both specific analyses of each single case, and generalities for the whole Mediterranean.

Recommended timeline of implementation

No specific timeline is indicated to implement the proposed recommendations. In general, it is strongly advised to include a fisheries management plan as part of the wider MPA management plan.


Knowledge of, and data on the ecological status of fish resources including catches, revenues, fleets, fishing effort and social and economic aspects, are limited. It is crucial to collect such data and disseminate them at both local and broader scales, so as to legitimise the co-management process in the eyes of all the stakeholders involved, and to provide examples to other MPAs.

Moreover, fishermen engagement is a time-consuming process, which requires major efforts in building trust between fishermen and MPA management bodies. The role of civil society organisations is extremely valuable. The leadership of influential fishermen is also instrumental, as they can convince other fishermen in the community of the benefits of participating in co-management schemes.

Finally, as the establishment of an MPAs may involve lower yields, or higher costs in the short term for fishermen displacement towards fishing grounds open to fishing, efforts should be made to assess impacts and identify potential alternative livelihoods and strategies.


Quantitative results

By applying the recommendations included in the study, it is expected that MPA managers increase their knowledge of the status of artisanal fisheries inside their MPA, and improve their management approaches toward the establishment of effective co-management schemes.

Key deliverables

Knowledge and know-how.

Transfer potential

The proposed recommendations can be applied by all Mediterranean MPAs as a successful bottom-up approach for sustainable artisanal fisheries and to promote adoption of co-management.


  • About 80% of the 35,000 vessels comprising the Mediterranean fishing fleet belong to 280,000 artisanal fishermen.
  • The analysis of artisanal fisheries in 21 Mediterranean MPAs demonstrated that the most important variable determining high values of success of artisanal fishing management in MPAs is the level of fishermen engagement in management practices.
  • 76% of the MPAs analysed, showed high or moderate add-on conservation benefits with artisanal fishermen acting as environmental stewards or participating in environmental/research projects.

For further information



Di Franco A., Bodilis P., Piante C., Di Carlo G., Thiriet P., Francour P., Guidetti P. 2014. Fishermen engagement, a key element to the success

Links of interest:

Fishermen engagement in Mediterranean marine protected areas A key element to the success of artisanal fisheries management


  • ACCOBAMS – Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the
  • Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contigous Atlantic Area
  • ACG – Association de la Continuité des Générations
  • AGIR Association
  • APAL – Coastal Protection and Development Agency
  • Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation
  • Cetacean Studies Center
  • Columbares association
  • Conservatoire du littoral – International Unit
  • DMAD – Marine Mammals Research Association
  • Eco-ocean
  • Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre
  • Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)
  • FEDERPARCHI – Italian Federation of Natural Parks and Reserves
  • French Biodiversity Office
  • Fundacion Biodiversidad
  • General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
  • General Secretariat of Fisheries – Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
  • Grouper Study Group
  • INCA – Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania
  • IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature –
  • Mediterranean Center for Cooperation
  • Interdisciplinary Study Center Gaiola in charge of the Gaiola
  • Underwater Park
  • MEDCEM – Mediterranean Center for Environmental Monitoring
  • Marevivo
  • Marine Explorers Society – 20000 leagues
  • Marine Life Conservation Society
  • Mediterranean Conservation Society (akdeniz koruma dernegi)
  • Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative
  • Medwet
  • Miraceti
  • Morigenos – Slovenian Marine Mammals Society
  • Planète Mer
  • RODPAL – Network of NGOs in the National Park of Al Hoceima
  • Royal Albanian Foundation
  • SAD – Underwater Research Society
  • SPA/RAC – Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre
    Septentrion Environnement
  • Sharklab ADRIA – Centre for marine and freshwater biology
  • Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon
  • Sunce – Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development
  • TUDAV – Turkish Marine Research Foundation
  • Tour du Valat
  • WWF Greece
  • WWF Mediterranean Programme Office
  • “DelTA” association
  • “Le Dauphin” association
  • “Notre Grand Bleu” association
  • “Posidonia Center for Development and Resources” NGO

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