MedPAN Resource Centre

Pilot areas
Marine Protected Area (MPA) managers, Mediterranean stakeholders, policy-makers, researchers
Capacity building, MPA management
Climate change, Maritime Spatial Planning, mobile species, MPA, small-scale fisheries


MedPAN being a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean (actually 190 MPAs are represented in the network), it is very important that all the members have access to all information on the network’s activities in order to be fully involved in those that are relevant to their work.

MedPAN gathers many actors, of different countries (21 Mediterranean countries) and background and there is a clear need to centralise the knowledge regarding MPAs with the possibility to have a direct link among MPA sites and on-going actions, experience and data. The “interactivity” aspect is essential for conservation workers, to share experience, solutions and lessons learnt. In this way the request for exchange of experiences, capacity building activities, and awareness raising from the network is better channelled and disseminated to the whole MPA community in the Mediterranean (and beyond). The resource centre intends to be an up-to-date source of knowledge on issues related to MPAs, ranging from scientific to policy themes.

Aim of the tool

MedPAN’s online resource centre is an easily accessible platform that provides a wealth of information on marine protected areas (MPAs) and sustainable marine management in the Mediterranean region. The resource centre is an open-access virtual library that offers various tools, reports, training materials, best practices, scientific articles and case studies for sharing knowledge and experiences related to marine conservation and management. These resources aim to facilitate the management, research, policy development, planning, and decision-making processes for the conservation of the Mediterranean marine ecosystem.

Main objectives

The main objectives of the tool are:

  •  Providing access to online capacity building resources including guidelines, policy recommendations, scientific papers, reports and online tutorials.
  • Promoting free access to ongoing and past trainings content developed within the framework of the Regular Training Programme of MedPAN. These trainings were implemented with the support of 3 MPAs acting as training centres around the Mediterranean: Gökova MPA (Turkey), the National Marine Park of Zakynthos (Greece), and the Marine Coastal Protected Area of the Kuriat Islands (Tunisia).


Technological infrastructure

A PC with stable internet connection is necessary to access the MedPAN’s online resource centre.


No particular training is necessary to access and explore the resource centre even if punctual webinars are organised by MedPAN to provide a global overview of the website and its multiple components (including the resource centre).


Access to the MedPAN’s online resource centre  is free-of-charge.


A main challenge is to ensure the provision of the necessary up-to-date information to periodically feed the resource centre. For this long-term process the cooperation with other institutions will be important. If you are part of the MedPAN network, you can create your account on the website and suggest a resource to include in the resource centre.



Quantitative results
Usually between 15 and 25 people attend the training organised by MedPAN. The tool gives the possibility to transfer information to a large number of beneficiaries.

Key deliverables

In the MedPAN’s online resource centre different types of deliverables are included:

  • Workshop Proceedings
  • Strategic document
  • Special editions
  • Practical guide
  • Communication tool
  • Management tool
  • Monitoring protocol
  • Publications
  • Report / Study
  • Capitalisation report
  • Educational material
  • Scientific watch

Transfer potential

The resource centre can be easily accessed by anyone interested in the themes of management and monitoring of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean. The resources are transferred to main targets and the centre is constantly feeding thanks to the cooperation among different institutions.

The dissemination of knowledge on marine conservation is also ensured thanks to the extended MedPAN network.


237 resources including:

13 special editions about Science for MPA management

131 articles from our scientific watch

9 MedPAN Workshop Proceedings

11 practical guides

3 communication and educational tools

6 management tools

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